I almost cut my hair (and then I did)
It's been awhile since I blogged [a word, I have confidence, that does not appear in a circa 1970 dictionary]. Every attempt to un-dye my hair black being unsuccessful, I decided to shorten it. I'm thinking of making it even shorter. Once upon a time, in my radical dyke days, it was 1 inch long and spiked. I've tired of my unkempt hippie look, but I know myself well enough that I don't have the patience to dress much differently.
My indecisive hairstyle goes with my neither-here-nor-there mood. I'll be done with my Peace & Justice degree in a year (Jan '08). I've done pretty well to spend the past several years just living day-to-day, but now I'm getting antsy. Do I want to move to San Francisco for a Master's in Activism & Social Change (and be an in-the-streets radical grrl again)? Do I want to go to Fordham in NYC or BC in Boston for law school (and work my way into the Center for Constitutional Rights as a civil rights paralegal)? Do I want to stay in Denver and help Regis build a world-class Peace & Justice Center? Pros and cons all around. Those of you who know my propensities to look for new adventures while craving long-lasting community might understand my turmoil. Some of you might counsel me (once again) to stop thinking so far ahead and enjoy the now. But here's the rub -- I need to fulfill a language requirement for my degree, and I'm stuck. Do I refresh my French (useful in many places, but not Colorado), or do I start learning Spanish (mucho handy in Denver, but will definately screw up my French for good)? Either way, I'll be at Metro this summer for either one. It's not an easy decision, because it feels like committing to one of my three plans before I'm ready.
Any advice?