Friday, March 31, 2006

new photo

Monday, March 27, 2006

vagabond grrl is back :~D

two guys, one grrl, two bikes, and one winnebago.
(guess which one I'll driving)

20th anniversary of The Great Peace March, one of the biggest events in recent peace & justice history. pretty cool, eh?

so, my cyber-friends, who is east of denver along the route to d.c., and will be around between may 15th and june 25th? hook a traveler up

Sunday, March 26, 2006

regis banner

figures -- I carry the darn thing for 90 minutes, and brendan (left) gets all the glory! (well, at least zack got credit) but it *was* a good burrito, thanks to Food Not Bombs.

btw, brendan is the contact for the rocky mountain regional School of the Americas Watch ( yeah, he's a good guy. even if he does wear shiny leather dress shoes with jeans. geek. ;~)