...no, it's because Saddam Hussein was bad.
riiiiiight! wait, didn't we, like, give him weapons in the 1980s?
this is the most intellegent response to Hummers I've seen. check out the website -- there are over 2000 photos of people flipping off H2s! sweet!
I still get the urge to key them. or at least write on them in Sharpie. well, okay, I haven't actually done that. although I really really really want to. but, damn this morality thing, I just can't do that anymore. I mean, shit, 15 years ago I had no problem breaking...hmm, I'm not sure I want to be self-incriminating here. jail is bad, n'kay? [geesh, I must be getting old.]
but back to the Hummer thing: I tried writing notes and putting them on the windshield, but the frickin things are so big I can't even reach the windshield wipers! I can however put a sticker to their bumper. have you seen those oval sparkly ones they sell at truck stops & crappy stores like Spencer's? you know, the ones that read "Bitch" or "Brat"? yeah, those work really well. almost as obnoxious as the drivers. really hard to get off, too.
well, okay, I don't really put it on the bumper. more like the paint. :~D
if I had any money, I'd get a whole bunch of bumper stickers printed. then I'd go to a mall parking lot and stick them on Hummers, Duallys, trucks with 6-foot tires, and any car with a G.W. Bush sticker. "You Can't Be Both Pro-Life and Own This Car" and "I Could've Bought a Prius for Half the Price" There's always the good ole standby of "My Penis Is Really Really Small", but then again some of these auto-idiots are women, and I'm too much of a feminist to denigrate a woman because of her breast size (but really, that isn't very equal-opportunity of me, now is it?) How about a sticker in honor of the ridiculously large tax breaks for these things, "I'm a Corporate Welfare Mother" ?
One good thing about living in the "poor" neighborhood is that no one can afford a Hummer. even the dealers go for your standard beemer or mercedes. I have to go about 35 blocks west to see those Chevy Tahoes-on-steroids (and why is it that in every city in America the rich folks live on the west side and the poor folks live on the east side?) Instead, I see $500 shit-box pickup trucks held together with duct tape that have $1000 spinner rims, those fat low racing tires that make 'em look like Tonka trucks, and white script letters on the rear window that spell "Sanchez".
tigger grrl